Where does Dr Rhau see his patients?

Dr Rhau consults from 3 locations including head office at Greenslopes along with satellite clinics at Cleveland and Beenleigh. You can find a detailed description of the locations under ‘Contact us‘.

How to make an appointment?

Your GP or specialist has provided you with a referral and given you our contact details. Please feel free to call Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (07) 3394 4370 to make an appointment. One of my experienced Co-ordinators will answer the phone and provide you with all necessary information. You might as well receive a call from us if your referrer has sent or faxed a referral to us.

Where does Dr Rhau operate?

Dr Rhau has admission rights at Greenslopes Private Hospital, You will find exact details of this location under 'Contact us'.

Can I contact Dr Rhau in case of an emergency or sports injury?

Depending on the injury we will be able to facilitate an emergency appointment in rooms. Alternately Greenslopes Private Hospital has a 24hr emergency centre, your injury will be assessed and initially managed by an emergency consultant. A direct referral or admission to the hospital if necessary under Dr Rhau's care can be initiated. Sometimes Dr Rhau is able to see you in the emergency department.

In case of an emergency after hours please contact Greenslopes Emergency Centre under .
Dr Rhau's rooms can be contacted Monday to Thursday 9am- 5pm, Friday 9am to 2pm on .

What other costs are involved in surgery?

An assistant is an important part of any operation and Dr Rhau does not have control over the assistant's fee. It usually is about 20% of the surgeon's fee.

In orthopaedics a lot of procedures require the use of implants such as prosthesis for joint replacements or plates and screws for fracture fixation. In general these are covered by the health fund as well are the actual hospital fees. However we strongly recommend you contact your health funds to find out exactly.